Fee structure for FCCCM & AFIC

Candidates appearing for the Fellowship Examination (FCCCM) and Advanced Fellowship in Intensive Care Examination (AFIC) fall into 3 fee category.

Fee structure for FCCCM (new) and AFIC examinations

The following is the revised fee structure from 29th July 2024.

S.No.FCCCM (new)AFIC (FCCCM pathway)AFIC (non-FCCCM pathway)IFICM
1. (a)Fee (Indian candidate)40,000 (INR) +18% GST50,000 (INR) + 18% GST65,000* (INR) +18% GSTTo be announced
1. (b) Fee (Overseas Candidate)799 USD999 USD1299* USD
2. (a)4-day Orientation Course (Indian candidate)15,000 (INR) +18% GST20,000 (INR) +18% GST20,000 (INR) +18% GST
2. (b)4-day Orientation Course (Overseas candidate)299 USD349 USD349 USD
3. (a)4-day Crash Revision Course (Indian candidate)15,000 (INR) +18% GST20,000 (INR) +18% GST20,000 (INR) +18% GST
3. (b)4-day Crash Revision Course (Overseas candidate)299 USD349 USD349 USD

*Includes fee for Mandatory FCCCM 4-day Orientation Course

For any further queries, contact CCEF office

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