About Us

The College of Critical Care Medicine is an activity of the Critical Care Foundation. Its purpose is to provide world class Critical care training that is relevant globally including middle- and Low-income countries without compromising on the quality of care. There is a lot of emphasis on observation at the bedside and deduction from all available data to quickly narrow down the differential diagnosis.

The College is headed by Dr (Prof.) Meeta Mehta as President and Dr. (Prof.) P. K. Jain as Chairperson. It’s activities are guided by 4 councils:
1. Scientific Council
2. Academic Council
3. Executive Council
4. Advisory Council

The College conducts 3 examinations at present:
1. Fellow of College of Critical Care Medicine (FCCCM) – 1 year course with exit exam
2. Advanced Fellowship in Intensive Care (AFIC) – 1 year course with exit exam
3. International Foundation course in Intensive Care Medicine (IFICM) – 1 year online course with online exit exam (scheduled to be launched in first quarter of year 2025).

Set up 2 decades ago (2003) the first exam took place in 2004. The first 7 years had a combined Australian and Indian sets of Examiners to consolidate a high standard of examination like the Australian Examination. Today, our Fellows are Pursuing International Fellowships in Canada and UK and working in Australia and UK.

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